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Author Visits and Workshops
Writing Residencies & Author Appearances

Barbara Santucci - children

Barbara Santucci has been appearing in schools/libraries, teaching writing workshops, and participating in extended writing residencies in schools throughout Illinois–and elsewhere.  She'd love to visit in your community.

Barbara Santucci has been a member of the faculty for the Highlights Foundation Writers Workshop at Chautauqua, New York.

Barbara Santucci - teaching

Barbara Santucci

Barbara Santucci is available for school, library, and workshop/conference visits. She is a seasoned presenter and relates to all age groups. Since she is both a writer and an artist her presentations and workshops often integrate components for writing and artistic expression -- and always with a goal of creating lifelong readers and learners.

Her writing process is closely linked to her visual art process and frequently the themes present in one show up in the other. in her stories for children she strives to portray something that she feels is worth saying. But her stories also entertain because that is the function of a writer.

Her art and writing workshops are filled with creative encouragement and enthusiasm and always include involvement of those in the audience.

Conference Workshops - Adults

Poetry and the Picture Book

Picture books are meant to be read aloud to children; therefore, they should delight the listener. In picture books, as well as verse, every word counts. The language can include image-making in the form of metaphor, simile and personification. Rhythm, rhyme and repetition will give life to the words on the page. Poetic devices can enrich all of our writing and provide stories that are rich in characters, ideas and emotion.

Point of View and the Picture Book

The author’s job is to make the reader care about their characters and what happens to them in our stories. One way to achieve this is by the use of a strong point of view. A good use of point of view will help the reader feel the actions and emotions of the characters by taking us along on their journey. The reader sees and feels everything through the eyes of the character and will connect with them if we use this technique well.

The Use of Metaphoric Objects in Children's Stories

The poetic device of metaphor creates images in readers' minds through the use of figurative language. Such images serve to clarify emotions and abstract concepts. A familiar concrete object often is used to symbolize an abstract concept or emotion. This invites readers to stretch their imaginations. Examples will include several children's books that use the device of metaphor to illustrate difficult concepts and emotions.

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